Enhancing Relationships through Reading

Goo and coo. Read a Rhyme.
Make the most of babies time.
Wiggle toes; float boats in baths.
Learning in between the laughs.

March to music. Hear a sound.
Sing it. Rhyme it. Dance around.
Go beyond the alphabet.
Teaching sounds they wont forget.

We’ll show you what YOU do today
will have an impact down the way.
We make it fun and set the stage.
It’s Fun to Learn at any age.
Literacy begins in the arms of a loving parent, long before your little ones enter school.
Take advantage of the fastest growing period in your child’s life: the years from birth through five–the years when you can give her a head start and a strong foundation. You are your child’s first, foremost and most influential teacher.
Experience the JOY of personally guiding a child’s journey through developmentally-appropriate songs, gestures and fun-filled activities. Explore the exciting areas of literacy: sound awareness, vocabulary development, comprehension, writing, and more.
Watch our Vlog videos to learn more.​
YOU can help your struggling or special needs reader to learn in an engaging, meaningful manner.
YOU can give your children a rich foundation by providing them opportunities for learning to read in a real way in a real world.
YOU can give your children one of the biggest gifts they will ever receive: becoming a proficient reader.