What Teachers Are Saying
Wow, you have distilled, into one easy-to-read-and-understand article, years of study on my part to figure out how best to teach high-frequency words... It's all so very different from how I was trained as a classroom teacher and reading specialist. I got my master's in reading so I could teach anyone to read. And here I am 14 years later, still learning.... This is a fabulous resource - thank you!
I am amazed how yours is the first program in all my years as a homeschooling parent and furthermore as an elementary teacher, that truly dispels the myth of understanding syllables and how to attack them in attempting to read and decode words. I think that there are so many students whose literacy issues could be healed if only they had your program.
And let me also add that the way your program has been developed has left no stone un-turned. The minute I think of something that I think has been missed, I am quickly corrected by seeing the unique way in which you have considerered all the nuances of the English language!
Children need not toil and suffer through learning to read, thanks to your hard work.
Last, the materials that come in your program are comprehensive to say the least. They are complete, and include all the ways to teach reinforce, assess and reward the learner. It makes it so that the only thing I need to do is learn it myself so I can scaffold my son as he grows and learns the concepts. The jingles are clever, and I am able to retain them! I look forward to continuing on in this journey, and am grateful for your work in developing Raising Robust Readers and Wordy Worm. I cannot thank you enough.
Elementary Teacher
"I can’t stop! My head is spinning with ideas! I am trying to control my excitement. I can not wait to help my struggling readers in the Fall. This program is LIFE CHANGING!”
Kindergarten Teacher
"I wish I had learned about the schwa sound when I was young! Children easily accept this explanation and can easily identify it in familiar words once they are introduced to this concept. I wish I had been taught that a,i,o,and u have three sounds too!...I like how you point out the continuous sound consonants, a concept that I never thought of before this program…I didn’t know some of these rules and had an “ah ha” moment reading them!
“This website is so easy to use and packed with more resources than I ever imagined! I am so impressed!”
First Grade Teacher
"Wordy is a great success with students and I am ecstatic because I AM LEARNING the 72 phonograms also. I am growing in confidence to incorporate Wordy into my classroom curriculum. As I underline the phonograms for this week's spelling words, I shutter to think that I ever taught it without doing so."
I realized from working with Judy and Marilee that the Wordy FUNogram program is a process that can start as early as 3 months of age and literally last a lifetime. An essential component is to develop and nurture a relationship with families who practice Wordy with their children during the routine of their daily lives.
Thank you both so much!"
First Grade Teacher
"“Got it. Love the vowels. It’s so important to teach each and every sound a vowel makes.”
“This website is so easy to use and packed with more resources than I ever imagined! I am so impressed!”
Second Grade Teacher
My students come into class and the first thing they ask me is, "Are we doing Wordy Worm today?"
Title One Teacher
You have a moral obligation to share this with other children."
Past Director, Staff Development, School District of Lee County, Florida